
Cambridge Cosmology Seminar (Cambridge (zoom), 2020): A 30-minute discussion of my most recent results on neutrino mass constraints from cosmology.

LSST Weak Lensing Mass Mapping Working Group Meeting (Zoom, 2021): A 20-minute walkthrough of my paper on the weak lensing convergence PDF from large deviation theory.

Notable seminars

13th May 2021 CosKASI ECR cosmology seminar Invited seminar
13th April 2021 LSST DESC Weak Lensing Mass-Mapping Meeting Invited talk
22nd October 2020 Yunnan University (China) Invited talk
20th October 2020 Kavli Institute for Cosmology (Cambridge) Invited talk
14th October 2020 Action Dark Energy Conference (IAP) Flash talk
9th–12th December 2019 CoSyne Conference (IAP) Talk
30th November 2018 RWTH Aachen Seminar
23rd–27th July 2018 Berlin Summer School on Large-Scale Structure 2018 Poster
2nd–6th July 2018 Paving the way for the next generation of cosmological surveys (Sexten) Talk
11th–15th June 2018 SUGAR-RUSH (Shanghai) Talk
4th–9th June 2018 Neutrino 2018 (Heidelberg) Poster
5th–7th February 2018 Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics (ESO, Munich) Invited highlight talk
23rd January 2018 USM Munich Invited cosmology seminar